Shipping Policy
Shipping and Delivery Policies
1.1 Shipping Policies
All products available on are shipped directly from our suppliers abroad (Switzerland, United States, Russia and China) to the address provided at the time of purchase, and delivery takes 15 to 25 business days (on average after the product is posted) depending on the location, the product is shipped within 10 business days after payment confirmation in our system.
We guarantee a tracking code so that the customer can monitor the progress of the delivery of their order.
Attention: In certain cases this delivery period may be extended by a few more business days, due to delays, strikes, recesses, periods of high demand by the Post Office, in short, situations beyond our control.
The store guarantees delivery of the order, we are responsible for refunding the full amount paid for products that are misplaced or lost during the delivery process. All products are shipped with insurance against loss and free online tracking, so delivery of your product is 100% guaranteed.
1.2 Insured Shipping
“If the product is late and not delivered within 70 business days of posting, the amount will be 100% refunded on that date.”
1.3 Order Tracking
The products will be shipped by the Post Office or another carrier, there will always be a Tracking Code that will allow the customer to track the progress of the delivery. Buyanju Store undertakes to instruct the customer on how to track the products. The code to access the tracking will be sent to your email as soon as it is available to Buyanju Store.
The order tracking code is provided 3 to 9 business days after confirmed payment.
It may take 5 to 10 days for the tracking code to start showing shipping information on the Post Office website.
2. General Conditions (Attention)
2.1 Care with Addressing Orders
The Buyanju Store arranges for the delivery of products to the address requested by the customer. Therefore, to ensure that there are no obstacles in the delivery of your order, we ask that you be careful when filling in the address where you wish to receive your order.
2.2 Recipient Absent
Make sure that there will be someone at the address to receive your products. The Post Office makes three attempts to deliver the products. If there is no one at the address to receive the order on any of the attempts, the package will be taken to the Post Office branch closest to the address, and in this case, the recipient of the package will need to collect it from the Post Office branch within 7 calendar days. If the recipient of the Order does not collect it, according to Post Office rules, the package will be returned to the sender, and a new shipping fee will be required to resend the product. All details related to delivery attempts, as well as the address of the post office where the recipient must pick up their package in the event of absence at the address, are recorded in the order tracking, which can be tracked on the post office website, using the tracking code provided by the store.
2.3 Incorrect or Incomplete Address
Buyanju Store is not responsible for incorrect or incomplete filling in of the destination address of orders placed at the store. In the event of incorrect or incomplete addressing, according to post office rules, the package will be returned to the sender, and no further delivery attempts will be made to that address.
If delivery is not made due to a discrepancy in the address provided by the customer, the customer is not entitled to a refund; it will be necessary to pay a new shipping fee (shipping cost + postage fee) to resend the product.
2.4 Taxed Products
In the event of any charge for postal dispatch fees (Postal dispatch is the amount paid to the Post Office for the provision of support and administrative support services for customs processing activities and is intended to cover the costs of the process of receiving the objects, X-ray inspection, storage, collection, and transfer of taxes (when applicable), communication with recipients and sender, in addition to the return of the package when the recipient does not pay the taxes. With the new import model implemented, all international orders are subject to a service charge.)
You must pay attention to your tracking code and the current location of the product so that there are no problems.
By making a purchase on our website, the customer agrees to the terms and conditions set forth by [Buyanju Store].
Best regards,
[Buyanju STORE] Team